This is just a collection of links that I find interesting, in no particular order.
- Annie Rauwerda (the human behind Depths of Wikipedia), maintains a list of links that are fun, quirky, and weird.
- #MathArtChallenge for those who like math and crafting.
- A Crafting the Cosmos class at the MIT, including a session on "Knitting the Yarn-centric Universe."
- Atlas Obscura for fun travel destinations.
- Open City for London walking tours and open house events.
- Very fun geometric puzzles by Catriona Agg.
- The Longplayer is a non-repetitive, self-extending,Tibetan single bowls piece that has been continuously playing since midnight, December 31, 1999. It was designed to be played for 1,000 years. You can listen online and in a beautiful light house in East London.
- The Sharpham Trust runs excellent meditation retreats in Devon, UK.
- How a Chinese woman wrote 200 fictional articles about Russian history on Wikipedia.
- A Podcast about six volunteers living in an imitation Mars habitat in Hawaii.
- A Podcast about attempts at creating utopias with varying success. I especially like this one about Chandigarh and this one about Biosphere 2.
- Curious articles about traditional Chinese art and culture by Sheng Wenqiang, including one about Mary and Jesus in Chinese painting techniques.
- Xiyadie's traditional Chinese paper-cut art with homoerotic themes.
- EDM remix of 20th century Chinese socialist revolutionary songs by a Swedish DJ.
- This Cut video is very wholesome (content warning: some male nudity).
- Melissa Jacquart keeps an excellent (!) repository of active learning strategies for teaching.